Since we got married, we will have our first real Christmas tree. We never saw the point of getting one the past, we just put up our $10 Target mini fake tree, because we usually were not at home for Christmas and/or Emmett was too little to really appreciate it anyway and/or not destroy it. So it will be fun for us as a family to go pick out a real tree.
It will be our first Christmas in the new house!
It will be the first time we try and take Emmett to see Santa. Try is the key word in that sentance. I have a feeling that Santa may freak him out. But, I am willing to give it a try. I have recently purchased a toddler version of the Night Before Christmas and hope that we can "learn him up" on the whole Santa thing. I tried to get him to watch the Grinch with me when it came on TV the other night, but I think he was not keen on how the Grinch was treating his dog and he asked me to turn it off.
It's the first time I have to be sneaky about buying his Christmas presents. I already have a couple of things stashed on the high shelves of the closet.
And it's the first time that we've actually had a fireplace and mantel to hang stockings on!
But I don't think its going to be the first or the last time that I plan to get all my shopping done early but find myself out on Dec 24th with a few more things to get.