Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Free doughnuts for a year!

Yes, Chapel Hill now has a Krispy Kreme!! I happen to work in walking distance of that good or bad? There is nothing quite like a hot doughnut, is there?

Even better? Notes from a Mom in Chapel Hill is giving you a chance to win free doughnuts for a year! Check it out:

Good Luck!


Sarah Coggins said...
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Sarah Coggins said...

Thanks for the post! This qualifies you for extra entries (5 entries per blog post) so pop back over to MiCH and add a few more comments (ie, blog entry #2, blog entry #3, etc). Good luck and thanks for supporting MiCH! :)

Allison said...

I only wish I could win. Love the post, and really enjoy your blog, by the way.

Allison said...

You won!!! Congrats!!
Email us your contact information so we can send you your winnings.