Thursday, May 5, 2011

Motherlove Diaper Rash and Thrush cream

I tried a new diaper rash product recently and I had to tell you about it. It is Motherlove Diaper Rash ointment. My Molly luckily hasn't been one to deal with diaper rash too much. But recently after having a bug that caused some GI issues, and lots of diapers changes, she was definitely dealing with some rash. I really like that this product is made with all natural and organic ingredients. It is also a bonus that the Motherlove company that is environmentally aware and gives back to organizations that support children and the environment.

But anyway, does it work? Well, I put this on Molly before she went to bed, and in the morning, the rash was literally all gone! Awesome! The other bonus for me was that the product doesn't smell strong at all -- there was neither a medicinal smell or a strong herbal smell, which some other products have.
It meets everything on my checklist!
Works on diaper rash? Check!
Doesn't smell strong? Check!
Natural ingredients? Check!
Good company? Check!

I was not compensated for this review. Opinions are completely my own.

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