Saturday, May 8, 2010

Busy week, Mother's Day

Well, it's been a busy week. Husband was away for work all this week so I had the kids on my own for a few days, until my MIL came and stayed for a few days. Molly had a fever on Tuesday so I had to leave work early to pick her up and then had to stay home with her on Wednesday as well. Wednesday night my MIL came and was a great help, and Emmett really enjoyed having her to play with. Hubbie got home last night, and then I had to work today. So, haven't had a lot of blog time.

But, after work today I came home to a lovely drawing by Emmett, flowers, and delicious meal of steak, asparagus, mashed potatoes and rolls. YUM! A happy mother's day surprise, and it was so nice! And tomorrow, off to see the Babies movie.

The veggie garden survived it's first week. I hope to get out tomorrow to take pictures.

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