Thursday, April 29, 2010

springtime fun

Spring is here! Our weekend is booked! No, we are not going out of town. And no, we are not having a party. We are going strawberry picking and planting our garden!

Last year at this time, we went strawberry picking at a local farm that grows organic strawberries. I remember I was very pregnant, so bending down to gather berries was not exactly easy. I carried the bucket and pointed out the good ones most of the time. This year Molly will be able to join us. I am looking forward to it. As well as I looking forward to homemade strawberry jam and strawberry pie.
Also, if we get everything in order, (Which is spreading the compost, getting edging done, and buying our seeds and plants) we will be planting our veggie garden. This is Take 2. Last year was our first year and it did pretty well. We have learned that there are some things we are not going to grow again. For example, pumpkins. They take over the whole garden! We have also learned that we don't need quite as many tomato plants! And we will try some new things this year, like potatoes. Again, since last year I was either pregnant or with newborn, I wasn't able to get out in the yard much. I hope to get able to get in the dirt a bit more this year.

Keep posted for the garden update!

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