Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's my Friday and Emmett the artist?

Today is my Friday. I work, typically, M T and W. So tomorrow it is me and the kids. It is supposed to be a warm day so I hope to get them outdoors for a bit. There is also storytime at the local bookstore. Although, I am a bit weary of doing that again. (See earlier post called storytime)
Hopefully it will be a good day with little drama. Maybe if I feel adventurous, I may even let Emmett play with paint or playdough. Maybe.

Speaking of art, it seems Emmett has a knack for it. His teachers say he is very meticulous and detailed about his art. They also feel like his skill is beyond that of most of his classmates. I think he does a very good job as well, but I may be a bit biased. How does one tell, and at what age can you tell, if their child really has a talent for drawing? Just wondering.

And he can write his name now too!

Maybe I will scan in some of his art soon.

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